Our Company
As the pioneers of scooter advertising in Australia, we are the largest and most experienced scooter advertising specialists. We can provide uniformity across multi-market and national campaigns in all six major capital cities of Australia as well as reaching most regional areas (including Tasmania). We have full-time operational staff and in-house mechanical services. You will always deal directly with a Media-V representative. All our Vespas are equipped with GPRS tracking technology so that we’ll be able to provide detailed turn-by-turn maps as well as check-in proof of postings and a post-campaign analysis for every client.
Design & Innovation
After ten years in the market, we have been able to transform our trailer model according to the advice of engineers, designers and mechanics. The current model has a new curved shape, meaning the side panels can be seen from both in front and behind the Mobelite. Our production process uses a vinyl skin, meaning there’s no glare or reflection and doesn’t fog up in wet or humid weather. We can also enhance the standard signage and trailer designs to maximise impact where desired.
We also work in conjunction with councils throughout Australia in order to secure access to the best promotional locations, meaning we can get our Mobelites in places a lot of other outdoor advertising cannot. We're able to offer our clients increased flexibility, greater penetration, coverage and value for money.